Media Winners & Losers

Axl Rose

Both today's winner and loser had their media moment as a result of a tweet (or tweets). In the case of Guns N' Roses frontman Axl Rose, it was for a tweet that brought huge media attention thanks to it having elicited a reply from Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

Like the emergence of murder wasps or the revelation about UFOs, this is one of those utterly 2020 moments you didn't see coming ... but probably should have, all things considered.

"It's official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin he's officially an asshole," wrote the legendary rocker late Wednesday afternoon, garnering many thousands of reactions, retweets and likes, as political takes from celebrities always do.

But this went to the next level when Steve Mnuchin, himself a longtime creature of Hollywood, opted to reply.

"What have you done for the country lately? " Mnuchin replied, a second tweet after the first (deleted)  version had the flag of Liberia.

By Thursday morning, Rose's original tweet had over 4,000 replies and over 11,000 retweets. Mnuchin's reversed that ratio, having about 11,000 replies and only about 2,200 retweets. 

In the wee hours of this morning, Axl replied to Steven's reply.

"My bad I didn't get we're hoping 2 emulate Liberia's economic model but on the real," he said, referencing the flag error. "[U]nlike this admin I'm not responsible for 70k+ deaths n' unlike u I don't hold a fed gov position of responsibility 2 the American people n' go on TV tellin them 2 travel the US during a pandemic."

Not quite as pithy as his first tweet, but in the end he definitely got his name in the news, and a largely favorable response from other celebrities and, of course, his adoring (if aging) fan base.
Bethany Mandel

Commentator and writer Bethany Mandel, editor of conservative podcast site Ricochet, became the subject of a firestorm Wednesday that continues today and can best be summed up with the phrase "grandma killer."

Mandel reached Twitter's top trending topics for that sobriquet, which she invited in an enraged rant against coronavirus lockdown measures.

"You can call me a Grandma killer," said Mandel in the six-tweet harangue. "I'm not sacrificing my home, food on the table, all of our docs and dentists, every form of pleasure (museums, zoos, restaurants), all my kids' teachers in order to make other people comfortable. If you want to stay locked down, do. I'm not."

This is an increasingly common expression of frustration and angst on social media, almost always from the right of the political spectrum. Other markers in the primal scream thread included arguing that Americans were misled about the need to "flatten the curve," that there were never any ventilator shortages and more.

The short, six-tweet cry of frustration became a huge topic for the last 24 hours, with countless blue check accounts and journos piling on. One New York Magazine writer suggested that "psychopath" was a better title than "grandma killer" because it uses fewer characters.

Mandel's thread was an outburst of the frustration many Americans feel weeks into a lockdown. But it also echoed some of the worst themes of the callous and irresponsible extremes. 

Though a chorus of almost exclusively right wing commentators echoed or praised the sentiment, overall it was a major media flub for the conservative social media maven.

The A-Block

The Family Feud

The war between President Donald Trump and husband to Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway, George Conway, continued and escalated in the form of an official campaign email this week.

In an email with a subject that reads “The Lincoln Project Losers are Scam Artists,” the Trump campaign hit back at the Anti-Trump group of Republican political influencers who recently published a damning campaign spot that painted his leadership amid the coronavirus pandemic in the least charitable manner.

It's a group that includes not only Conway, but notable 'Never Trump' figures Rick Wilson and  Steve Schmidt, both regulars on CNN and MSNBC.

The Trump campaign email labeled the group "scam artists" and even took a shot at MSNBC host (and fellow former Republican) Nicolle Wallace

Speaking of MSNBC

Morning Joe opened Thursday morning’s show with a montage featuring what can charitably be called President Donald Trump’s inconsistent rhetoric on the coronavirus and how his administration has handled it.

The montage culminated in an Oval Office moment from Tuesday—which happened to be National Nurses Day—in which the president snapped at a nurse for saying PPE supplies have been limited and "sporadic" during the pandemic.

The MSNBC hosts then ripped Trump over his reaction and suggested he lacks an "empathy gene."

Fleecing the President

Democratic strategist James Carville called Trump's campaign team a “pack of grifters” who know he won’t win the 2020 election and lie to him about it.

“His campaign manager got two condos, a Ferrari, a yacht, a Range Rover and they’re all just fleecing the campaign," he said at one point in the epic rant. "This is all about making money and they’re going in there and giving him fake polls.”

Russia Probe Redux

In a blast from the past, Fox & Friends slammed the Mueller investigation on Thursday over a new, mostly-unredacted memo the Justice Department released this week. 

Co-host Brian Kilmeade lamented that the release took so long before unleashing about what he says the memo reveals. "The probe shouldn’t have been launched, money shouldn’t have been wasted, the legal fees through the roof," he said.

Ainsley Earhardt agreed, saying it “just proves what the president has been saying,” that “we never would have known about this if Hillary Clinton were elected. Think about all the lives ruined because of this.”

About that memo

The Department of Justice on Wednesday released a copy of a memo outlining the scope of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and the potentially criminal activity Mueller was authorized to examine. Law&Crime has all the details.

CBS denies fake news claim

CBS News pulled footage of cars supposedly lined up for coronavirus testing at the Cherry Health Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the network said Wednesday, after an allegation the line had been partially faked.

“CBS News did not stage anything,” the network said in a statement to Mediaite. “Any suggestion to the contrary is 100 percent false."

They pointed a finger at the hospital staff for the situation.

Spiking guidelines

CNN reported new details on the Trump administration’s decision to shelve new CDC guidelines for reopening the country that included concerns over the business impacts and objections that faith-based institutions were “unfairly targeted.”

“A senior CDC official who tells me, as of late last night, the writing was on the wall that the White House would not implement their 17-page recommendations on reopening America," correspondent Nick Valencia told co-anchors Erica Hill and John Berman.

Must-See Hear Clip

Equal Flushage Under the Law

Okay. So as long as the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing, people will continue to make drastic changes to their daily lives and figure out new ways to do the things they need to do.

The United States Supreme Court is not immune to these strange times, and it led a hilarious moment when a toilet flush was heard in the middle of arguments they were hearing on Wednesday.

This... this is a first. So you have to hear it.

For the sake of history.

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