TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 25, 2017

Trump Is Trying to Run the Government Like His Businesses: This Is Really Bad News for America and the Globe

By Nomi Prins, Tom Dispatch

The White House is Donald Trump’s new Casino. READ MORE»

Important Lessons From George Orwell and Winston Churchill for Resisting Authoritarian Rule in Trump's America

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Thomas Ricks' book is the latest offering history's lessons in our dangerous time. READ MORE»

Psychotherapist's Open Letter on How Donald Trump and His Supporters Are Wreaking Trauma on Americans

By Eileen M. Russell, PhD, AlterNet

These therapists believe silence is complicity. READ MORE»

The 5 Most Laughable Celebrity Guests Invited on Fox News to Comment Seriously on Politics

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Just what exactly qualifies Fabio to discuss state government policy? READ MORE»

John Oliver Lambasts Steve Mnuchin—and His Wife for Good Measure

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

"Shame on both of you!" READ MORE»

How ISIS Wives Helped Their Husbands Rape Yazidi Sex Slaves

By Rania Khalek, AlterNet

“He told me you are a Yazidi, either we will kill you or you will convert to Islam. I said, please kill me, don’t rape me, I love my husband. He said it’s not your decision."  READ MORE»

What's It Like When Betsy DeVos Drops By Your School? These Students Can Tell You

By Students of Kansas City Academy, AlterNet

Students at Kansas City Academy share their candid assessments of the controversial Secretary of Education. READ MORE»

North Carolina Man Who Punched 12-Year-Old's Teeth Out and Called Him the 'N-Word' Claims Self-Defense


The victim's mother wants to know why her son's assailant wasn't arrested. READ MORE»

To Many, America’s Racial Wealth Gap Remains Invisible

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Economic progress has been agonizingly slow for black Americans—but many whites don’t see it that way. READ MORE»

A Gaslighter’s Favorite Trick: Fluid Hard-Lining

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

Black, white and gray all over; they're right and you're always wrong. READ MORE»

A Marijuana Drive-Through Could Be Coming to a Corner Near You

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

If you live in Maine, that is. READ MORE»

India’s Supreme Court Puts Liberty and Freedom First

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

The court reverses a judicial blow to basic freedoms and liberty. READ MORE»

Anti-Abortion Violence and Harassment Was Already Bad. Right-Wing Media Are Making It Worse

By Julie Tulbert, Media Matters for America

Right-wing and anti-abortion media regularly serve as an agitator for harassment. READ MORE»

The Ultimate Anti-Competitive Mergers

By David Dayen, The American Prospect

“Fintech” is promoted as great for consumers. Mainly it’s about more market power. READ MORE»

How Online Data Is Putting Endangered Species Around the Globe Even More at Risk

By Adam Welz, Yale Environment 360

Poachers can use computers and smartphones to pinpoint the locations of rare and endangered species and then go nab them. READ MORE»

50 Ways to Boost Your Sperm Count

By Sean Russell, Menprovement

Want the best sperm in the world? Then try all 50. READ MORE»

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