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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Doing a Little Research

I've been very pleased with the direction of SSMS the last few years. As it's been separated from SQL Server releases and gets updated more often, I think the changes from v17 though v20 have been improvements. There are still issues, but it's been better. Now we finally have SSMS moving to a modern shell with the v21 preview and I'm excited to see how this changes the future of our tooling.

However, the PM for SSMS, Erin Stellato, posted a note on LinkedIn recently asking why people don't read documentation. She also asks what you want to see in 21, so respond if you think there are holes in the SSMS docs. I think this post came about because of many responses that came from people who clearly hadn't read some documentation.

I find far too often people struggling with different concepts, some of which I know a bit about and some I don't. However, for those that I don't, I can often figure out something about it quickly. A combination of Google, following links in those results, and increasingly, asking CoPilot/Some-AI  a question often helps me solve a problem by giving me direction and knowledge. I still have work to do, but it's a start.

In fact, that's how I solved a lot of the questions on SQL Server Central in the past. I'd read a question in the forums, I'd research a bit, set up an experiment, test something, and then post an answer. And at times, then getting told my solution didn't work and figuring something else out or correcting my answer since I'd missed a bit of the context.

These days, I see lots of people struggling and I don't quite understand why. It seems the art of scoping a problem, doing some research, some experiments, and coming up with a solution relatively quickly isn't common, but more uncommon. Lots of friends who have colleagues/direct reports say there are plenty of others that don't have these skills.

I'm curious for those of you willing to share, how do you go about doing some research when something doesn't work? When you get asked to do something you don't know how to do, or asked a question you can't answer, what is your process? Pick a specific example if you can and let us know how you self-educate.

If you struggle to do this, or you post online and expect someone else to help you, I'd encourage you to think about how you can become more self-sufficient and teach yourself, using the resources you have. Your employer will appreciate it and it will help further your career opportunities.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents
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An introduction to Terraform

David.Poole from SQLServerCentral

As a Data Engineer I found myself having to learn rather more about cloud infrastructure than I had expected.

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This article looks at how to use SQL IS NULL and SQL IS NOT NULL operations in SQL Server along with use cases and working with NULL values.

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From the SQL Server Central Blogs - How to find free space in Azure PosgreSQL

hellosqlkitty from SQLKitty

I wanted to figure out how big (or approximately how big) my dump file would be. In QA, I have (relatively) large dbs (compared to prod). Enter the pgstattuple...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQL Server Distributed Availability Groups and Kubernetes from The DBA Who Came In From The Cold

A while back I wrote about how to use a Cross Platform (or Clusterless) Availability Group to seed a database from a Windows SQL instance into a pod in...

Microsoft Power Platform Up and Running: Learn to Analyze Data, Create Solutions, Automate Processes, and Develop Virtual Agents with Low Code Programming

Site Owners from SQLServerCentral

The book begins with the basics, explaining what low-code and no-code are and showing how to maximize efficiency in creating business applications for one's organization. Next, the book describes the Microsoft Power Platform's foundation, as well as all its components and services. Readers will begin with practical exercises right away, beginning with provisioning a Power Platform environment. Next, the book delves deeper into the Power Platform components such as Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Power Virtual Agents. Towards the end, the book explains practical exercises for each feature or service where you will gradually build a small business solution for a fictitious organization, Project Wizards, Inc.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Funny SELECTs

What is returned from this query?
SELECT ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh WHERE soh.OrderDate > '01/01/2011' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2012') AS OrdersIn2000 , ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh WHERE soh.OrderDate > '01/01/2012' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2013') AS OrdersIn2001 , ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh WHERE soh.OrderDate > '01/01/2013' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2014') AS OrdersIn2002;

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

A Strange Query

What does this return?

SELECT x=1 WHERE (SELECT 1) IN ( 1, 2, 3)

Answer: A single column, single row result set

Explanation: This returns one column and one row in a result set with a 1. The column is named x. No great ref, but a fun one courtesy of Erik Darling: Performance Pains With NOT IN And NULLable Columns In SQL Server

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Microsoft Recommendations for Update Stats? - I have an application team that is insisting on daily (and for some, weekly) jobs for UPDATE STATISTICS WITH FULLSCAN on all their databases. These jobs were created years ago by a previous DBA team. The jobs are running very long, into business hours often, one database's job is running 1.5 days, and butting heads […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Possible SQL 2014 to 2016 Issue - Some Application Functions Slow/Failing - First time here...hoping I can find some direction and answers so I can devise a proper solution. Novice Basic SQL experience over the years while being the "jack of all trades' IT support, not a DB admin by any means. Issue: After vendor Application upgrade and SQL upgrade from 2014 to 2016 we cannot process […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Rebuild Index Job on a Large DB - We have a db close to 3 tb and rebuilding/ reorganizing indexes weekly is taking more than 8 hrs.My goal is to reduce the time job is taking. Can anyone suggest a workaround, I'm interested on how the job can be managed in large environments, considering the maintenance window we are given is limited. We […]
Authentication Error 0x8009030c - Hi, I'm using a small database on SQL Server 2019 on Windows 10 Pro. The users are being authenticated when signing onto their PCs by the domain. There has never been an issue before. But obviously something has changed. All the users are getting authentication errors, except myself, I'm setup as the sa and can […]
Issue with CPU Affinity Configuration on a SQL Server VM with 30 vCPUs - Hello , I'm having an issue with a SQL Server VM that has 30 vCPUs allocated. However, in the server affinity configuration, when I check the "Affinity Mask", it detects only 19 vCPUs. Can someone explain to me why there is a difference between the number of vCPUs allocated to the VM and the number […]
Agent job security account - Hi All, I have few sql server agent scheduled jobs which are supposed to run as NT Service\mssqlserveragent account however at times it runs using different account. Being novice in this world , I am not able to figure out where to make the change in agent job security to ensure that it only and […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
how to stop command prompt window from appearing when running PowerShell script? - Hi everyone I have a PowerShell script that is run by Execute Process Task in SSIS.  Each time I run the task I get a black windows prompt screen appearing.  Is it possible to hide that?  I found one solution online saying to change WindowStyle option in Execute Process Task to hidden but that doesn't […]
What is the best index strategy for a table that gets truncated? - Hi everyone My SSIS package does a bulk insert of csv files into a table called tableA.  The nature of the data is such that I have to truncate the table before new data is imported with bulk insert.  Currently there are no indexes on tableA.   TableA has fields symbol, name, trade_date, open_price, high_price, […]
how can i tell if our db2 driver is ms or ibm or other? - i see this in the definition of a linked server on our wh sql server that i know is db2 based... @provider=N'DB2OLEDB', @provstr=N'Provider=DB2OLEDB;DBMS Platform=DB2/AS400; But unlike the info you can easily see by running the odbc data source administrator for installed odbc driver info, i dont see an oledb admin portal nor do i see […]
SQL Server Newbies
normal role member to be able to view list of other role members in his DB - Is this even possible ? Tried with grant but to no avail. [sys].[database_role_members] and [sys].[database_principals] can not be accessed even with grant .
SQL Azure - Development
Blob Storage automated downloads - Dipping my toes into the waters of Azure and of course before I get past a few introductory videos, I'm tasked with automated a download of files from Azure Blob Storage to a server SAN drive. I've downloaded Azure Storage Explorer and now I'm ready to power-learn, but I have no idea where to start. […]
SQL Azure - Administration
Azure elastic job issue authenticating to Azure SQL database - Azure elastic agent jobs: I’m getting this error “The server principal “ac1971e9-381b-449b-9e1a-9cc276fc2985@b5313c9d-fb0d-47af-bc87-7c050bffbdc3” is not able to access the database” when an elastic agent job tries to run against a new database that has been added to an elastic pool.   The elastic pool is configured as a target group member. For all other databases in […]
SSMS 20.2 on Windows11 not able to connect to SQL 2005 ?? - We still have a couple of dino's. What should I check to re-enable access to ye good old SQL 2005 on Windows 2003 for my SSMS 20.2? I have already accepted "use server certificate" and "optional encryption" Still doesn't work; "SSL Connection forcebly closed by server" btw: When using SSMS 18.12.1 it works fine
SQL Server 2022 - Administration
Converting job_id to join to another table. - I need help, please! I have a monitoring table that pulls in information about program name (plus sp_who2 does as well), and I need to join it to msdb.dbo.sysjobs to get the job name where the program name starts with SQLAgent (like SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x8FA89775AAF135499FA4CC1621B639FB : Step 1)). Nothing I try is […]
SQL Server 2022 - Development
Compare rows within the same table - I have a table. Structure in script below. I have to compare and see if for a job id if the order of taskname is first 'Print' and then 'Distribute' based on the PrintDate column. I have to select rows where the  'Distribute' is coming BEFORE the 'Print' task based on PrintDate column (eg: JobID […]


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