Jambo John,

This is an opportunity for anyone who's ever dreamed of empowering others by teaching the truth about life’s magic and our power. 

Every 6-12 months I open the doors to my Infinite Possibilities Certification Program and bring on a new cohort of certified trainers. 

The next training is happening April 18-21 and there are still a few spots available... but the $200 early-bird discount ends tomorrow! 

Watch this video to learn more.👇

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John, this opportunity may be for you if:

❤️ You feel called to a path of service

❤️ You love inspiring and empowering others

❤️ You want to teach the truth about life’s magic and our power

You can attend virtually and become certified from anywhere in the world... and you'll join my amazing rock-star team of 3,000 trainers who are using their certification to teach others about life, dreams, and happiness.

We have trainers making a living by leading workshops and retreats, coaching individual clients, and speaking to corporate audiences. We also have trainers volunteering with children and teens, women's shelters, people in prisons, the homeless, those in addiction recovery, and in halfway houses.

You do not need to have any prior experience to attend this training and become a certified teacher. Just a passion for helping others and being of service.

If this resonates with you, John, register soon. The $200 early-bird discount ends tomorrow, March 1.

Click here to learn more about this opportunity!

Let's work together to change lives,

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