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Scaling up, scoping out, convening with partners (and kings?) ... it's been a busy quarter for WASTE! While EJOM project partners were showcasing our activities in a youth employment conference in Bamako, our solid waste experts were in Bilbao, brainstorming the path forward in plastics recycling. Key partners from Sidian Bank, CASHPOR Microcredit and joined us in a panel at the GIIN Forum in Amsterdam, meanwhile FINISH India partners were showcasing our joint achievements at the India-Netherlands Tech Summit in New Delhi (video below). Read on to find out more:

An Unexpected Handshake with Dutch King, Willem-Alexander

Long-time partner, Mr. N.K. Perumal Chairman of RDO Trust, participated in a round table discussion as part of the recent Netherlands Trade Mission and state visit of the Dutch King and Queen to India. He highlighted the ongoing innovations in grey and black water recycling for the benefit of vegetable-growing farmers, speaking on the success of faecal sludge management and toilet construction through our partnership. Read more here.


ISWA 2019 – what did you miss?

The first week of October, Bilbao was the scene of the International Solid Waste (ISWA) conference with more than 1,000 participants from 75 countries. And no surprise: plastic waste was the main topic of the event. In case you didn’t have the chance to visit ISWA, WASTE Adviser, Sophie van den Berg has summarized the event for you in three important takeaways. Read more.

New €4,1 million funding for FINISH Mondial programme

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has re-established their commitment to the second phase of the FINISH Mondial programme, where we will further scale up the successful FINISH Mondial programme. In the coming year, the programme will receive an additional 4.1 million euros in support. We are extremely proud of the confidence that the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has in our work. Read More. 

Upcoming Events

The Future of FINISH Society (2019)
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