
Computerworld Daily Shark

October 16, 2019

Image: Analysis paralysis

Analysis paralysis

If an ad is served in the forest with no one around … Read more ▶

Your Must-Read Stories

Video/Webcast: Magnet Forensics

Fraud, IP Theft and an Intrusion: A Case Study

When you’re faced with an intrusion — whether you were brought in as an outside consultant or are responsible for incident response for your organization — your stakeholders or management ask the same question: What did they take, and how did they get in? Read more ▶

Image: Train to be an in-demand DevOps pro for just $39


Train to be an in-demand DevOps pro for just $39

Tech companies are always looking for more ways to increase efficiency, and today, DevOps is the way they're doing it. Read more ▶


Video/Webcast: Cloudera

Enhancing your data warehouse to meet the demands of advanced analytics and BI

The ability to effectively use and analyze data is fast becoming the difference between success and failure. And many organizations will build analytics and intelligence systems utilizing their data warehouse as the foundation. Read more ▶

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