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Dear John,

A certification of products with radio technologies for the Brazilian market is based on an approval of the local authority Anatel and is related to national specifications for the testing and certification process. In this newsletter we would like to inform you about a new Anatel Resolution, which creates serious changes for the market approval of products with radio technologies in Brazil.

In addition, we will discuss the relevance of testable devices for an efficient market approval and would also like to mention our currently available test capacities due to the modernization of our test chamber in Düsseldorf.

Enjoy the read.


The relevance of testable devices

Unproblematic testing lays the foundation for an efficient market approval. To ensure that the relevant tests can be carried out quickly, easily and above all without delay, testable test devices are indispensable.

Since there is always a need for coordination in this context, we would like to explain some of the relevant questions relating to the subject of "testable devices".

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Modernization of our EMC and radio test capacities

Thanks to the modernisation of our test chamber in Düsseldorf, we can now carry out far more projects more quickly for our customers and currently have test capacities available at short notice.

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