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Android Q: Cheat sheet

Android Q's upgrades will transform your phone into an even more user-friendly and customizable environment. Here's what developers, businesses, and users need to know about Google's Android 10.0.

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10 ways to deliver a glitch-free presentation (free PDF)

You can minimize the odds of things going wrong in your presentations—or at least be ready to recover from snafus with grace and humor—by following a few practical steps. This ebook offers several suggestions that will help you glitch-proof your delivery and make sure it’s a success.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Prepare for serverless computing

When AWS Lambda launched, it came with an interesting concept: enterprises would buy business functions and the compute, storage and networking tasks would be managed in the background. What returns does serverless computing deliver for the enterprise, and which vendors deliver the best options?

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