Humble Bitcoiners!

It's Monday! Get your coffee ready, stack some sats and sit down for your daily dose of Bitcoin signal!

It has been 13 years since the Bitcoin White Paper had been released. I hope you all had a great anniversary celebration this past weekend.
Today's Rundown:
  • 13 Years: The Bitcoin idea celebrates its 13 years old.
  • Shortage of Supply: A semiconductor production shortage is at the forefront of geopolitics..
  • Mining Rigs: Hive Orders 6,500 Bitcoin Mining Rigs.
  • Biases: Big biases in regards to the ESG narrative, when bitcoin fixes this.


13 Years Ago, The Bitcoin White Paper Was Released 
By Namcios

Thirteen years ago, the 31st of October, the Bitcoin Whitepaper was released and distributed in the cypherpunks mailing list. The research paper detailed the engineering and design requirements to enable the first distributed, un-censorable, electronic digital cash system, which avoided double spending.

Bitcoin was indeed the first digital bearer asset, but it was definitely not the result of a new technology, but a combination of existing ones which have been developed on the quest for achieving digital cash: digital signatures, proof of work, cryptography, hash functions, timestamps, block rewards, transaction fees, mining difficulty adjustment, Merkle Trees and the concept of a peer to peer network run by independent nodes.

"The pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin leveraged the mathematics book to calculate the probability that an attacker can successfully compete with the honest chain — a central issue in the double-spend problem." - Namcios
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Bitcoin Mining And The Global SemiConductor Shortage Are On A Collision Course
By Shinobi

The current Supply Chain Shortages we hear often speak about in the media, are starting to reveal many geopolitical dependencies on external actors for different resources, which can create an overall fragility for any given nation state, as the supply chains are stressed.

Recently, the US Department of Commerce under Biden Administration, has requested to the two main semiconductor producers, TSMC from Taiwan and Samsung from South Korea, to know everything about the companies' products, sales, stock numbers and supply program, which both governments have expressed serious concerns over these requests, and even highlights the geopolitical importance of the chip fabrication capacity in the global economy.

Semiconductors seem to be the oil of the digital age, and Bitcoin Mining hardware is impossible to be produced without them. In the coming months and years, we shall see an interesting play in the Mining industry as bitcoin miners will decrease their production of new ASICs, miners might become a scarce asset.

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Click the links:

1. Steve Wozniak, t
he programmer behind the first Apple computer drew parallels between the "artificial" U.S. dollar and the "mathematically pure" Bitcoin.

2. The Australian Securities And Investments Commission has given early approval to fund managers seeking to launch Bitcoin spot exchange traded funds.

3. Bitcoin personal server and node developer Umbrel announced it has raised $3 million in seed round funding.

4. In “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado" episode the hosts discussed sighash flag SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT and Eltoo, a proposed Layer 2 protocol.

5. In a late night fever, I had to explain to my friends the importance of the mission of Bitcoin and the economic clarity it provides.

6. The week was filled with amazing headlines, including bitcoin ETFs and bullish politicians, that seemed worlds away just a short time ago.

7. Set up a Watchtower for Umbrel: This guide will show you how to quickly and easily protect your funds in your Bitcoin Lightning channel.

8. Those who criticize Bitcoin fail to see that it is a technological representation of decentralization, often copied by others hoping to improve upon it.

9. Bear witness to a collaborative effort in the bitcoin community to establish the reasons for separation of money and state.

10. Ten31 is a new venture fund named after October 31, the birthday of the Bitcoin white paper. The venture fund’s ethos is tied to its namesake, with a mission to partner with, invest in, and support exclusively Bitcoin-focused companies whose mission is hyperbitcoinization.

11. Projects like the Declaration of Monetary Independence are examples of how the bitcoin community can bring powerful messages to greater audiences.

12. Game theory is the science of multi-agent decision making. It uses mathematics to study the strategic interaction of rational decision makers. Game theory has social, logical, and computer science applications, and even Bitcoin ones.


HIVE Orders 6,500 Bitcoin Mining Rigs From CANAAN
By Namcios

The Canadian Bitcoin miner HIVE Blockchain has secured another purchase of bitcoin mining rigs from Canaan machines. The company will receive 6,500 last-generation Avalon bitcoin miners as a follow up order from the 10,400 machines purchased earlier this year.

The Canadian miner seems to be on a growing spree, they have also bought over 3,000 bitcoin mining rigs from Foundry and recently received approval for listing on NASDAQ.

It seems that WallStreet has really taking a like for Bitcoin, ETFs and Bitcoin Mining companies.

"The additional purchase order from HIVE further strengthens our working relationship.. We will continue to position ourselves as an important partner for HIVE as they accelerate their business growth. With our next-generation Avalon Miners as well as our quality on-site and off-site support, we are confident to achieve greater success with our clients in the crypto-mining field." -  Nangeng Zhang, CEO of Canaan
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BITCOIN MAGAZINE is back in print!


Bitcoin And Biases - Bitcoin As ESG Money
By Heidi Porter

In a previous articles, the author had discussed the cognitive biases that affect bitcoin prices, and the ones around group norms and groups’ authorities. Now, Heidi Porter brings us a perspective on the cognitive biases that affect the conception of bitcoin and the term: Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG)

This piece is a reflection of how strong biases can be. The mainstream media normally gives a higher focus on the "E" part of ESG, and has portrayed bitcoin as being "bad for the environment, and a strong contributor to climate change, as it boils the oceans".

These takes have already been debunked by different articles related such as:

A possible conclusion of these different pieces, would be that if one could argue that Money is ESG, then bitcoin is the only possible one available until today. But there is a negative bias due to the combination of a negative halo effect and anchoring bias which will not allow mainstream media to put environmentally friendly and bitcoin in the same sentence.
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By Pedro

Bitcoin is the way to escape the current oppressive monetary system that benefits the few. With the release of the White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto 13 years ago, a journey had started towards financial freedom.

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