Jambo John!

I’m SO excited to announce our next BIG ADVENTURE!

I’m teaming up with Sonia Choquette,the most highly regarded expert in the field of intuition & psychic arts (and frequent Oprah guest back in the day!).

When: It starts November 2nd
What: 21 daily SPIRIT GUIDE lessons + exercises (plus 4 LIVE workshops)
Why: To help you connect and engage with your divine support system
You’ll learn:

✨ The names and types of your spirit guides.
✨ Rituals and exercises to create a deeper connection.
✨ How to properly ask your guides for the help they’re ready to offer.
✨ How to recognize spirit guidance when it unexpectedly arrives.
✨ A powerful morning archangel meditation, and lots more...

Click here to join us and receive a new video lesson + exercise each day!

Your guides await, 
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