Announcing the DCEFF 2020 Online Festival
The Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital (DCEFF) is pleased to present the DCEFF 2020 Online Festival (March 17-31, 2020), an abridged version of its 2020 Festival. With 70+ selections available for streaming, many of them free, and new content being added daily, the Online Festival is bringing the best of environmental filmmaking right to your home.
See Line Up Here
Tune in for Generation Green New Deal
Co-Presented by The New Republic and the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital!
Generation Green New Deal is a film about the historic youth-led movement to stop the climate crisis and transform America. Their team invites you to watch this exciting sneak peek available online exclusively during this turbulent time of the COVID-19 Pandemic. All proceeds from the rental will contribute to the finishing of the feature film.
Check out the sneak peek of the film here
Enjoy your weekend and stay well.
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