Carrier Management
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5 Tips to Help You Retain Talent During 'The Great Resignation'
The talent war is about to get fiercer thanks to "The Great Resignation." Millions of U.S. workers have quit their jobs, and research shows that nearly half of employees are actively looking to ...
Why Founders Leave InsurTechs
What separates serial tech entrepreneurs from tech visionaries like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos, who created some of the world's largest companies and stayed on as CEOs for many years thereafter?
Carpe Futurum: How to Reorient Your Company's View of Risk to Seize the Future
Never before, or at least never in the modern era, has the world witnessed such an extraordinary level of risk and uncertainty. Although a ...
Artful Mosaic Creates Global Agility for Specialty Startup
Mosaic Insurance operates with a unique structural twist. Its hybrid model has the flexibility of an MGA, the stability of a carrier's long-term capital, plus the...
What Do You Do With Emerging Interest Risks?
"PMT" chemicals are are among the "emerging interest" risks being investigated in a small but growing volume of...
Why Geospatial Information Matters to Insurers
"I really do view this as the next big thing-on the order of the Internet, on the order of mobile phones." The "it" is geospatial information systems, according to...
High and Rising: Cloud to Street's Research on Flood Exposure
The proportion of the global population exposed to floods has grown by 24 percent globally since the turn of the century, according to....
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