Dear Friend,

The popularity of Anthony Fauci clearly upsets Donald Trump. 

As The New Republic’s Osita Nwanevu writes, “The American people are far more interested in hearing from Fauci, wherever he appears, than they are in hearing the administration’s line on how the pandemic is going. But Trump himself has been dismissing or contradicting Fauci’s more pessimistic remarks since the pandemic began.”

As with Robert Mueller, Sally Yates, James Comey, and the witnesses who testified against Trump during the impeachment, “a remarkable fandom has sprung up around Fauci over the last several months, notes Nwanevu. “New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been Fauci’s formidable rival for the affections of the press.”

With mainstream media falling for Fauci, you may just need an independent voice to cut through the fog.

Join Osita Nwanevu and some of the best opinion writers, investigative reporters, and cultural critics in America. Subscribe to The New Republic today.


Kerrie Gillis, publisher

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