March 22, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

I sprained my brain churning out our final installment of the Annual Review on Friday (scroll down if you missed it -- I added a spreadsheet this morning), so today I'm handing the wheel over to Doc Gumshoe for an interesting look at something I knew nothing about... his column for today is called, "Does Phage Therapy for Infectious Diseases Have Potential as Antibiotics Fail?" ... you can check it out by clicking below...

Not many people know this story…. But in 1998, Bezos invested $250,000 of his own money in Google, when the company was just getting started out of a garage. When Google went public, that $250,000 investment translated into 3.3 million shares of Google stock. If Bezos still has those shares, today they're worth more than $5.6 billion. Now Bezos is betting big on a new trend. This time he's planning to invest $10 billion. When you click here and get the details, you could end up being right along his side.


Miss any of the action last week?  We started out the week with an updated look at a 5G "tollbooth" firm, just click here for that one.

After that we moved on to A.I. ... specifically, a little company Chris Wood says is using AI to "disrupt cancer" -- Thinkolator results here.

And 5G remains a  hot story for investors, so we dug into George Leong's pitch about the "5G Stock Too Cheap to Ignore" on Wednesday, you can see my take here.

I've also gotten a lot of questions about Christian DeHaemer's "Spatial Computing" pitch, which involves a half dozen stocks, so Thursday I waded into that story here.

And if you're not a member of the Irregulars, our paying members and my favorite group of people (they spend a few bucks to help keep Stock Gumshoe going, and yes, you can buy my affection!), now's the perfect time to sign up -- I just posted my final bit of the Annual Review, updating my thoughts on all 60 of the stocks in my Real Money Portfolio... you can see that Annual Review Summary here.  And for those of you who did see that posting over the weekend, I also added a spreadsheet today to make it easier to track the prices (it's at the bottom of that list)

Beyond that, I did also post my regular Friday File, the weekly note for our paying members -- as always, you can click below for that.

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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