Plus, how the Democratic convention is missing a reckoning with reality, and more...
August 20, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Right to Warn of “Fascism in the United States”

Three fascism scholars explain why the term remains taboo in American culture—and how that must change.

By Federico Finchelstein, Pablo Piccato, Jason Stanley



A Night of Magical Thinking at the Democratic Convention Democrats are already in love with their future, in spite of the fact that Joe Biden has glossed over how he will get them there.By Alex Shephard
A Constitutional Weapon for Biden to Vanquish Trump’s Army of Judges Republicans have erected a conservative fortress in the federal judiciary. Our founding documents provide the means to knock it down.
By Christopher J. Sprigman
The Puzzlingly Substanceless Democratic Convention This should’ve been the perfect opportunity for Democrats to lay out their governing agenda, but it took them three days to talk about policy.By Walter Shapiro




The Stories Kamala Harris Won’t Tell Anymore In her historic DNC speech, the former prosecutor elided most of her resume to craft a different image of her record.
By Melissa Gira Grant
The Israel-U.A.E. Deal Puts the “Forever” in “Forever War” What binds Israel and its new Arab allies is not the threat from Iran but the threat of the U.S. military leaving the Middle East.By Trita Parsi
“This Is a Paradise, but a Temporary One” Dave Mackey was trapped in his home on Grand Bahama island when Hurricane Dorian struck. He knows it won’t be long before the next storm.By Kirsi-Marja Hayrinen-Beschloss




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