AONL's Robyn Begley Is Not Afraid of Change in Nursing
Monday, October 14, 2019

'I think we're at a time in our history, as it intersects with the transformation of healthcare, to fully define the role of the nurse,' says Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, chief executive officer of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership and senior vice president and chief nursing officer of the American Hospital Association.

Change can be hard. But, as Robyn Begley, RN, shares in this week's feature story, it can also be beneficial to your career, to the nursing profession, and to patient care. AONL's top nurse recently talked about how the willingness to embrace change shaped her leadership career plus the numerous challenges and opportunities facing today's nurse leaders.  

Also, in this issue:


AONL's Robyn Begley Is Not Afraid of Change in Nursing
One nurse leader talks about how the nursing profession is set to evolve in the face of healthcare transformation.
Wasteful Spending in U.S. Healthcare Estimated at $760 billion to $935 billion
Researchers focus on six categories of waste: failure of care delivery, failure of care coordination, overtreatment or low-value care, pricing failure, fraud and abuse, and administrative complexity.
Top 10 Medical Technology Hazards of 2020 Announced

Factors that the ECRI Institute considers in developing the medical technology hazard list include severity of risk, frequency of harm, difficulty of recognizing problems, and preventability.

Finding Rehab Success: Key Benefits of Partnership
Many healthcare providers partner with dedicated rehabilitation partners because a third-party team of rehab experts can often help rehab programs reach higher levels of performance. This article outlines advantages of rehab partners, key qualities to look for in a partner, and essential questions to ask a potential partner.
AI and Predictive Analytics Enable Tampa General to Save $10 Million, Reduce LOS
Command center enables the hospital to take real-time action on data to reduce bottlenecks and improve the patient experience.
Hospitals of All Sizes Experience Profitability Declines in August
Both expense and volume performance were mixed for the month, according to Kaufman Hall.

Must Reads

Why so many hospital strikes lately? ‘I think nurses are just so frustrated.’
Chicago Tribune
Suit claims NJ nurses gave patients Benadryl to make them fall asleep, create less work
Central Illinois black nurses group advocates for patients - and themselves
National nursing shortage impacts Dauphin County family caring for daughter
CBS 21

Thanks for reading this week's eNewsletter. I hope you have a wonderful and productive week. I'm open to any tips, thoughts, or story ideas. Send them my way at or Tweet @jen_NurseEditor.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Editor, Nursing