
News and analysis on networking, the data center, and IoT

Network World First Look

December 14, 2021

APIs pose the latest threat of networking-vendor lock-in

As software-defined networking becomes more dominant, the APIs offered up by one networking vendor can more severely limit interoperability with products made by others. Read more ▶

Image: Sponsored by Schneider Electric : Outsourcing vs. DIY: Monitoring and Servicing Critical IT at Edge Computing Sites

BrandPost Sponsored by Schneider Electric

Sponsored by Schneider Electric : Outsourcing vs. DIY: Monitoring and Servicing Critical IT at Edge Computing Sites

Monitoring and servicing are two critical functions to ensure your distributed UPS assets do the job they were intended to do to keep your critical edge computing applications available.

Gartner: Diversity, equity and inclusion is key to better I&O teams

Infrastructure and operations technology needs to be less brittle and more agile, and DEI can help.

Aruba’s EdgeConnect Microbranch aims to simplify remote-work networking

Aruba Networks has announced a new networking solution under the name of EdgeConnect Microbranch designed to simplify the complexity of work from home setup for enterprises.

Image: The latest tape storage is faster and holds more, but is it better?

The latest tape storage is faster and holds more, but is it better?

The LTO-9 open standard boosts the transfer speed of magnetic tape, which seems like an improvement, but that might not make tape a more attractive option for backup.

Intel teams with hardware vendors for high-performance network card

Intel is working with partners in China to build an infrastructure processing a unit that relies on both a CPU and an FPGA.

Bumps in the road for open RAN

The much-vaunted technology is thought to be the way to simplify 5G deployments and keep carrier capex low, but there’s a long way to go before it hits the mainstream.

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