In this issue, January 23, 2018 View it in your browser.

APM & Observability, NoOps, Effective Communication, Go for AWS Lambda, No JCP for Java EE, DynamoDB Streams, Vue.js, Resilience at Netflix

Announcing QCon London day one keynote!

Join Randy Shoup at QCon London and take away concrete suggestions to improve and optimize your approach to your own work -- to make yourself a more effective engineer, designer, or leader. As Randy Shoup mentioned “It turns out that it is a surprisingly small part aptitude -- our skill at a particular task, and a surprisingly large part attitude -- how we go about it”. You may be surprised at how quickly improvements in your teams, your products, and your systems will follow. Save your seat at QCon London and register before Jan 27th to save up to £300!



Your 2018 Guide To All The Top Mobile App SDKs.

The world of mobile app SDKs has grown exponentially, creating lots of confusion. Here’s your solution: The Ultimate SDK Guide for Mobile Apps 2018 Edition. Download It For Free Now.

The InfoQ eMag: APM & Observability

This eMag explores the topic of observability in-depth, covering the role of the “three pillars of observability” -- monitoring, logging, and distributed tracing -- and relates these topics to designing and operating software systems based around modern architectural styles like microservices and serverless. (eMag)

Chris Swan on DevOps and NoOps, Plus Operations and Code Validation in a Serverless Environment

In this week's podcast, Wes Reisz talks with Chris Swan about DevOps and NoOps, and what Swan calls LessOps, what Operations means in a world of Serverless, where he sees Configuration Management, Provisioning, Monitoring and Logging heading. The podcast then wraps up talking about where he sees validating code in a serverless deployment, such as canaries and blue-green deployments. (Podcast)

Wendy Closson on Mindfulness and Effective Communication

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Wendy Closson about her journey of recovery from contracting a rare, deadly form of cancer to leading to the Optimize You track at QCon New York. (Podcast)

Demystifying DynamoDB Streams: An Introduction to Ordering, Deduplication and Checkpointing

Akshat Vig and Khawaja Shams explore the implementation of Amazon DynamoDB Streams, and argue that understanding ordering, de-duplication and checkpointing are vital for building distributed systems. (Article)

Data Science for Developers: The Big Picture

Matthew Renze discusses what data science is, why it’s important, and how to prepare for it. He covers IoT, Big Data, ML, and how they are converging to create fully-autonomous intelligent systems. (Presentation)

Preparing Humans for the Second Machine Age

Dominic Price prepares his listeners for the world of 2020, the role that AI, automation and robots will have, and what people should do to stay human and build an environment where they thrive. (Presentation)



Building Planet-Scale Serverless Apps in minutes with Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Functions.

Learn how to subscribe to changes in Azure Cosmos DB collections and trigger logic in real time while delivering globally-distributed apps-without deploying or managing any servers. Watch Now.



  1. DigitalOcean Revamps Compute Plans and Pricing Structure

  2. AWS Lambda Now Supports Go for Serverless Applications

Deep Dive into Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.0

Jeff Hammond and Richard Seroter discuss the latest features introduced in PCF 2.0 and the vision for the platform’s future. (Presentation)

CredHub and Secure Credential Management

Peter Blum and Scott Frederick discuss using Pivotal’s CredHum to enhance security within Cloud Foundry and applications through secret management. (Presentation)

Cloud Foundry Networking: Enabling Direct Communication for Microservices

Angela Chin and David McClure overview PCF’s networking, how it integrates with Eureka and Spring Cloud Services, and run a live demonstration deploying microservices communicating with each other. (Presentation)

PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-Grade Kubernetes

Cornelia Davis and Fred Melo discuss the role of the container orchestration system in the IT landscape, and how PKS provides enterprise-class Kubernetes services. (Presentation)

Building Bridges: A DevOps Story

Matthew Campbell tells the story of introducing DevOps at D2L, covering the tools, tips, techniques, pitfalls and mistakes useful to know when transitioning to a DevOps approach. (Presentation)

Creating a Culture of Observability at Stripe

Cory Watson talks about people, their needs and how to make them awesome. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

See What's New in DevOps:

  • Logging within Cloud Native Applications
  • Functional Service Design and Observability
  • Avoiding Alert Overload from Microservices
Learn More.


  1. Microsoft Announces General Availability of PowerShell Core 6.0

Latest Advances in Visual Studio 2017 15.6 Preview

Microsoft's latest preview of Visual Studio 2017, version 15.6, adds several new features for code diagnostics, debugging and source control. Foremost among these is greatly expanded support tags when using Git source control. (News)


InfoQ eMag: Getting Started with Cloud Native Development.

A cloud-native approach improves how companies of all ages and sizes deliver software to customers. Download this eMag to get a deeper understanding of the cloud-native revolution, and see what it takes to jump in.



  1. No JCP for Java EE

Fresh Async with Kotlin

Roman Elizarov talks about various approaches to asynchronous programming, their evolution, differences and similarities. He discusses the traditional async/await approach that is based on futures/promises and how the Kotlin’s solution that is based on concepts of coroutines and continuations is providing a safer and easier programming model. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Performance beyond Throughput: An OpenJ9 Case Study

Marius Pirvu talks about the new advancements in the area of JVM performance using the latest open source JVM technology at Eclipse OpenJ9 running with OpenJDK. He shows us how the view from "the bottom of the stack" can help in finding and fixing stubborn performance problems often missed by high-level performance analysis tools. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

What's new in the Java landscape?

Learn more about where its different components are in terms of adoption: Java SE Innovation, Java EE Early Majority and Reactive.



Modern Java EE Design Patterns (By O’Reilly).

Download this report to explore best practices for automation, high availability, data separation, and performance while inspecting design patterns such as aggregator, proxy, pipeline, and shared resources to model service interactions. Download Now.


TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Universal Vue.js Application Framework Nuxt.js Reaches 1.0

  2. The Brief Lifespan of a JavaScript Framework

  3. Last Npm Incident Uncovers Security Vulnerability

CSS in JS: The Good & The Bad Parts

Robin Frischmann summarizes both the good and the bad parts as well as the opportunities & future possibilities of CSS in JavaScript. (Presentation)

Writing Highly Reusable React Components

Javier Velasco introduces React Toolbox Core and explains how to create complex reusable React components. (Presentation)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Microservices Resiliency and Fault Tolerance Using Istio and Kubernetes

  2. Q&A on Istio, Microservices and Kubernetes with Lachie Evenson of Microsoft from Kubecon 2017

How to Build Spring Services for Cloud-Native Platforms Using the Open Service Broker API

Matthew McNeeney and Sam Gunaratne discuss how to build services that can be deployed once and consumed anywhere with the Open Service Broker API. (Presentation)

Caching for Microservices - Introduction to Pivotal Cloud Cache

Pulkit Chandra discusses how to use Pivotal Cloud Cache and its performance under load, demoing a Spring Boot app which uses Spring Data Geode to talk to a Pivotal Cloud Cache cluster. (Presentation)

Designing Services for Resilience: Netflix Lessons

Nora Jones talks about designing microservices for enabling resiliency testing and the moving parts we need to consider when designing them from the get go, and along their lifetime. She shares tips and tricks on how to design microservices for resiliency tests, examples of poorly designed services, and how to ensure pertinent design decisions are in place on a continuous basis. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

NDBench: Benchmarking Microservices at Scale

Vinay Chella and Ioannis Papapanagiotou designed a benchmarking system for Netflix's Cloud platform that can mimic the performance of production use cases. They showcase how the deployment, management, and monitoring of multiple instances can be done from a single entry-point (UI). They also show how they integrated a benchmarking tool into their release lifecycle. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Testing in Production - Quality Software Faster

Michael Bryzek explores what it's like to build quality software with no development, QA or staging environments. He deep dives into "verifying in production" - what it takes to build software that can be tested continuously in production. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in London, March 5-9, 2018. Join us!

Get up to speed with Microservices!

Learn about pitfalls in adoption and discover best practices from companies that actually implemented them.



nginMesh: NGINX Proxy in an Istio Service Mesh.

Learn about the evolution of microservices, the role of the service mesh, and see how Istio and NGINX work together in this new blog post. Read on the NGINX Blog.


TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Improving The Adoption of Agile

Q&A on the Book Leadership Agility

The book Leadership Agility by Ron Meyer and Ronald Meijers provides a collection of leadership styles that leaders can use to expand their repertoire and increase their leadership agility. Readers can learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the styles and find out under which circumstances styles can be effective. (Article)

Telenor’s Stars to Space Stations: An Example of Gate Systems Applied to Product Development

When Telenor needed to establish a clearer understanding of how to measure progress for early stage product development, they created a different set of KPIs for early stage products based around learning instead of financials. They studied the product phase gate process used by companies such as Microsoft and IBM to develop one that worked for Telenor to make relevant investments. (Article)