June 21, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

Ready for more dreams of growth?  The market gave us a bit of a respite today... and Luke Lango is back to promise more dramatic gains ahead, with a story about 40X gains from the coming Apple Car... and particularly from one key supplier.  So what's he teasing this time?  Just click below to....


Last week was tough for those who watch the daily market gyrations, the worst week for the stock market since the COVID panics of early 2020... and the S&P 500 officially surrendered all the gains of the wild and woolly 2021.  Perhaps now we can think about resetting to a nice, boring, rational stock market?  We can dream, can't we? 

I guess that's just the COVID talking, I finally caught the virus last week week and was laid up for a few days, so the publishing calendar at Stock Gumshoe was a bit thin... read on to see what we posted for you in the week that was...

Doc Gumshoe stepped in with a new article for our readers this week, and it's a somewhat hopeful update on the progress being made against Alzheimer's Disease, just click here for that.

I posted a new piece about the "Jeff Bezos has to send you money" ads teasing "Prime Profits" -- you can check that out here.

And I also updated the "Single Stock Retirement Play" story -- Alexander Green has been using roughly the same ad for four years, but it keeps generating questions about this secret stock... answers here.

We closed things out with the Friday File, as usual, and with me finally starting to feel a bit better.  The risks of things getting quite a bit uglier are awfully high, particularly as housing begins to take it on the chin with rising mortgage rates, so this week I spend some time musing on where “hiding places” might be for those who are worried but know they shouldn’t get out of the market… 

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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