The company focused heavily on data and system security in the announcement of its generative AI platform, Apple Intelligence, but experts worry that companies will have little visibility into data security.
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 June 17, 2024
Apple Intelligence Could Introduce Device Security Risks
The company focused heavily on data and system security in the announcement of its generative AI platform, Apple Intelligence, but experts worry that companies will have little visibility into data security.
Space: The Final Frontier for Cyberattacks
A failure to imagine — and prepare for — threats to outer-space related assets could be a huge mistake at a time when nation-states and private companies are rushing to deploy devices in a frantic new space race.
'Sleepy Pickle' Exploit Subtly Poisons ML Models
A model can be perfectly innocent, yet still dangerous if the means by which it's packed and unpacked are tainted.
Widespread Vishing Effort Impersonates CISA Staff
The cybersecurity agency issued a warning not to agree to any payment requests and to alert law enforcement or CISA after being contacted.
CISO Corner: Apple's AI Privacy Promises; CEOs in the Hot Seat
Our collection of the most relevant reporting and industry perspectives for those guiding cybersecurity strategies and focused on SecOps. Also included: Rockwell's dire ICS warning; a red alert on biometrics; cybersecurity for the Hajj season.
Panera Notifies Employees of Compromised Data
Though the company is informing affected individuals of a breach, it's keeping the nature and scope of the cybersecurity incident that led to it under wraps.
Why Trading Privacy for 'Free' Web Services Must End
Meta's new subscription model points out the need for clearer and stricter regulations — ones that prioritize consumer privacy and control of personal data.
(Sponsored Article) How to Prevent 'Material Breaches' by Executives and Board Members
SEC cyber-breach reporting requirements further elevate the risk that company leaders present to corporations.
North Korea's Moonstone Sleet Widens Distribution of Malicious Code
The recently identified threat actor uses public registries for distribution and has expanded capabilities to disrupt the software supply chain.

Why CIO & CISO Collaboration Is Key to Organizational Resilience
Alignment between these domains is quickly becoming a strategic imperative.

How Cybercrime Empires Are Built
Strong partnerships and collaborations between industry and law enforcement are the most critical ways to take down cybercrime groups before they grow.

AI Chatbot Fools Scammers & Scores Money-Laundering Intel
Experiment demonstrates how AI can turn the tables on cybercriminals, capturing bank account details of how scammers move stolen funds around the world.

PoC Exploit Emerges for Critical RCE Bug in Ivanti Endpoint Manager
A new month, a new high-risk Ivanti bug for attackers to exploit — this time, an SQL injection issue in its centralized endpoint manager.

MITRE: US Government Needs to Focus on Critical Infrastructure
With the presidential election this year and increase in cyberattacks and conflict around the world, MITRE has outlined four important areas the incoming presidential administration should focus on next year.

Apple's AI Offering Makes Big Privacy Promises
Apple's guarantee of privacy on every AI transaction could influence trustworthy AI deployments.

Hamas Hackers Sling Stealthy Spyware Across Egypt, Palestine
The Arid Viper APT group is deploying AridSpy malware with Trojanized messaging applications and second-stage data exfiltration.
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