
Apple Predicted To Take 5G Crown With iPhone In 2020 Big Tech Won’t Build Products That Are Part of the Kill Chain, Says Anduril Founder
Despite being late to the 5G field, Strategy Analytics believes Apple will leap-frog the competition. I don’t think that any of these big tech companies are going to to build products that are going to be part of the kill chain.
Microsoft Shutting Down Cortana Apps For iOS and Android
Wayve Raises $20 Million To Improve Autonomous Vehicle AI
On January 31, 2020, Microsoft will be shutting down the Cortana apps for iOS and Android. U.K.-based startup Wayve has raised $20 million in Series A funding to improve AI for autonomous vehicles.

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Investigation Into Google Expands to Include Android and Search Amazon Cries Foul Over Microsoft’s $10 Billion Pentagon Contract
This has not been a good week for Google. First, the Wall Street Journal reported that Google has been collecting very detailed healthcare records of millions of Americans. Amazon is protesting the decision, saying there was “unmistakable bias” in the selection process.
Google Bringing RCS To Android Messages Starting Today
John Carmack Stepping Down As Oculus CTO To Focus On AI Research
Google is rolling out a major upgrade in the U.S. starting today. Rich Communication Services (RCS). John Carmack is a legend in the video game community, having co-founded id Software and taken the lead on ground-breaking games such as Doom.

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