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Apple's new MacBook Pro: 4 things professionals need to know

Apple recently unveiled its next-generation MacBook Pro. Here are the most useful features and functions for business users.

Posts from TechRepublic

Photos: A first look at Apple's brand new MacBook Pro and Apple TV features

Despite exploding batteries, some professionals refuse to give up their Samsung Galaxy Note7

IBM Watson is coming to the iPhone, and that's big news for business users

Is the 32GB iPhone 7 really slower? Confusion abounds with the latest Apple controversy

CIO Jury: 10 out of 12 tech leaders trust Samsung despite Galaxy Note7 failure

Gallery: 10 Android apps every new mobile developer needs in their toolbox

BlackBerry is focusing on security and software with the new DTEK60 phone

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Do you think SaaS can help your company reach financial and business objectives? Tell us, and enter to win $100.

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