NWC Update
Network Computing
October 10, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Apples for Apples: Measuring the Cost of Public vs. Private Clouds
Before making a choice of where to place workloads, enterprises need a consistent way to compare public and private cloud costs.

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Global NaaS Event Roundup: Taking NaaS and SASE Forward
MEF announced the industry’s first NaaS blueprint, a SASE certification program, and an enterprise leadership council.
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Delivering Great Online Experiences to Massive Audiences Requires These 3 Strategies
Enterprise IT managers seeking to deliver great online experiences should use the same strategies as those responsible for delivering streaming coverage of massive online events like the World Series and the US Open.
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AI Will Soon Transform Network Management and Monitoring
AI will be integrated into network operations sooner rather than later. Here’s how that transformation process will likely happen.
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AWS Bolsters Its Generative AI Portfolio
The AWS offerings can enhance many enterprise and IT functions, from developing code to simplifying visual reporting and more. Read More
The Legacy Systems Lurch
From infrastructure to app delivery, from data to applications, it’s past time to modernize your practices, processes, and providers to ensure you’re able to take advantage of AI and whatever comes next. Read More
5 Takeaways from the Fortinet Security Summit
The recent Fortinet security summit highlighted emerging trends such as the growing role of AI in cyber security, the melding of networking and security, and more. . Read More
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