There were two storms brewing last week and each contributed to driving mortgage applications to generational lows. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) said the continuing rise in interest rates and the devastating hurricane that hit Florida and the Carolina’s contributed to a double-digit decline in its indices that measure mortgage application volume. The Market Composite Index for the week ended September 30 was down 14.2 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier and 14 percent before adjustment. The Refinance Index fell 18 percent from the previous week and was 86 percent lower than the same week one year ago. The refinance share of mortgage activity dipped to 29.0 percent from 30.2 percent the previous week. The Purchase Index dropped by 13 percent week-over-week on both an adjusted and an unadjusted basis. It was down 37 percent from the same week in 2021. MBA’s Associate Vice President of Economic and Industry Forecasting, Joel Kan said, “Mortgage rates continued to climb last week, causing another pullback in overall application activity, which dropped to its slowest pace since 1997. The 30-year fixed rate hit 6.75 percent last week – the highest rate since 2006. The current rate has more than doubled over the past year and has increased 130 basis points in the past seven weeks alone. The steep increase in rates continued to halt refinance activity and is also impacting purchase applications, which have fallen 37 percent behind last year’s pace. Additionally, the spreads between the conforming rate compared to jumbo loans widened again, and we saw the ARM share rise further to almost 12 percent of applications.”
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October 5, 2022
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Housing News
There were two storms brewing last week and each contributed to driving mortgage applications to generational lows. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) said the continuing rise in interest rates and the devastating hurricane that hit Florida and t... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
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