Zeta Books Newsletter November 2017 View this email in your browser

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to announce the release of our new publication:

Social Imaginaries, Volume 3, issue 2 (Autumn 2017)

Special Issue: Approaches to religion

Guest Edited by Johann P. Arnason 

ISSN: 2393-2503 (paperback)

ISSN: 2457-2926 (electronic)

Social Imaginaries


Johann P. Arnason: Introduction

Joel S. Kahn: The Inner Lives of Javanese Muslims: Modern Sufi Visions in Indonesian Islam

Jörg Rüpke: ‘Religion’ as Conceptualised in a Roman Perspective

Martin Fuchs: ‘Hermeneutik des Neuen’. Ruptures and Innovations of Religious Interpretation—Reflections from Indian Religious History: The Case of Bhakti

Matthais Riedl: Terrorism as ‘Apocalyptic Violence’: On the Meaning and Validity of a New Analytical Category

Johann P. Arnason: Theorizing the History of Religions: The Weberian Agenda and its Unresolved Issues


Varia section

Natalie J. Doyle: Critical Introduction to Alain Caillé and Marcel Gauchet: An Exchange on the Place of Religious Meaning in the Self-Institution of Human Societies

Alain Caillé: On the Politico-Religious: Seventeen Embryonic Theses (Plus One) Written in the Spirit of Sociological Topics (translated by Natalie J. Doyle)

Marcel Gauchet: The Political and Religion: Twelve Propositions in Reply to Alain Caillé (translated by Natalie J. Doyle)

Alain Caillé: New Theses on Religion (translated by Natalie J. Doyle and George Renuka)

Robert Legros: Cornelius Castoriadis and Claude Lefort: The Question of Autonomy (translated by Steve Rothnie)

Roger Savage: Emancipatory Alternatives, Sites of Resistance: Social Subversion, Political Contestation, and Dystopic Imaginaries

Chiara Bottici: Who Is Afraid of The Myth of the State? Remarks on Cassirer’s Unpublished Manuscript


View abstracts & details
Best wishes, 
Zeta Books


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