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Tackle your CCDS Exam with Confidence!

Prep in-person with our industry-leading
instructors or at home at your own pace!

Our CCDS Exam Prep Class is designed to assist in your preparation for the CCDS credentialing exam. The course reviews core CDI concepts and offers strategies in test taking with a goal to allow you to tackle the exam with confidence. Investing in your professional development requires a commitment of both time and resources. This course assists you in achieving your goal efficiently and effectively.

April 12, 2022

Next online class start date. More dates available here!

The CCDS Exam Prep Class is an intense course covering 10 modules that will prepare candidates to take the CCDS certification exam.


Learn better in person?

Benefit from an interactive training with our field-proven instructors where you can get all your questions answered in-person.

Join our CDI experts in Atlanta!

Atlanta, GA | November 14-15, 2022


Take a look at part of the agenda for this course:

The CCDS Exam Prep Class covers real-world study strategies for adult learners and test-taking skills to help students who have mastery of the subject matter but do not excel in the stress of a test-taking situation.


Healthcare Regulation and the IPPS

Communication, Physician Education, and Query


Medical Record Documentation

Professionalism, Ethics, and Compliance


The Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting

Impact of Reportable Diagnoses on Quality Care Measures

Tutorial on DRG Expert

CDI Program Analysis



The Exam Experience and Test-Taking Tips