April 2023 DexNews
Okta Japanのオフィスアート完成!
Okta Japan Office Art Completed!

世界有数の米系IT企業であるOktaの日本オフィスの移転にあたり、TokyoDexは「コラボレーション」をテーマに、ワークショップとオフィス全体のアートディレクションを行いました。Kensuke Takahashi, WHOLE9, KATHMIが描いた空・陸・海を旅する個性豊かな動物たちが、共通の目標に向かって進んでいく様子はポジティブなエネルギーで溢れ、コラボレーションの重要性を再認識してもらえる活気あふれるオフィス空間となりました。

When one of the world's leading U.S.-based IT companies, Okta moved into its new Japan office in 2022, TokyoDex designed a workshop and curated artwork for the entire office under the theme of “collaboration.” The work created by Kensuke Takahashi, WHOLE9, and KATHMI fills the space with positive energy as unique animals travel through the air, land, and sea towards a common goal, creating a vibrant workspace that reaffirms the importance of collaboration.

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商店建築×Okta Japan×TokyoDexのトークイベントを開催しました
The Special Talk Event by SHOTENKENCHIKU x Okta Japan x TokyoDex Ended in a Great Success

商店建築TokyoDex特集号の発刊を記念し「アートがオフィスにもたらすもの」をテーマにトークイベントが開催されました。商店建築、Okta Japanの皆様、並びにご参加いただいた皆様ありがとうございました!実際にオフィスアートが導入された空間で講演を行うことは貴重な機会でした。今回のトークイベントがワークスペースにおけるアートの力をより深く知る機会になれば幸いです。オフィスにアートを入れたいというお問い合わせは、このメールへの返信か、WEBサイトのお問い合わせフォームからお気軽にどうぞ。

Thanks to SHOTENKENCHIKU, Okta Japan and everyone who joined us for this seminar held under the theme of "What Art Can Bring to the Office." It was a rare opportunity to hold an event in a space where our artwork has actually been installed. We hope this talk was a good opportunity for listeners to better understand the power of art in work spaces. Please feel free to contact us via DM or the inquiry form on our website if you are interested in putting up artwork in your office.

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BnA_WALL Mural Rookies Project Vol.1 終了!
BnA_WALL Mural Rookies Project at BnA Vol.1 is Over!

アートホテルを運営するBnA株式会社と共同で、世界で活躍する壁画アーティストの輩出を目的とした「BnA_WALL Mural Rookies Project」を2023年1月より開始。Vol.1は、壁画アーティストとして著名な澁谷忠臣氏がメンターとして参加し、113名の応募から選ばれたアーティストの櫻井万里明が壁画を制作しました。“JOIN US”と題した本作は、キャラクター達が巨大な迷路で遊ぶ様子を描いたもので、鑑賞者も一緒になって楽しめる作品となっています。

This project started in January 2023 as a collaboration between BnA_WALL and TokyoDex as a response to the voices of young artists who were looking for opportunities to try their hand at large-scale mural painting. We will hold an open call for artists for each volume, creating opportunities for many Mural Rookies to step up to the challenge, each time under the mentorship of a veteran artist. For Vol.1 of the program, up-and-comer Maria Sakurai was chosen from among 113 candidates to work with renowned muralist Tadaomi Shibuya as her mentor. Maria’s finished work entitled “JOIN US” depicts characters playing in a giant maze and beckons viewers to join them.

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Event Information


Please join us on Tuesday April 25 for an evening with world-renowned generative artist Tyler Hobbs, who is currently working on a mural that spans 163 square meters along Shintora-dori Avenue as part of the Shintora-dori Avenue Area Management Association program. Tyler will do a short presentation on his work, later joined by Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein from Klein Dytham architecture as well as our own Creative Director Daniel Harris Rosen for a round-table discussion. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to celebrate the completion of Tyler’s first mural in Tokyo and learn more about the artist in this intimate setting.

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