Repair Cafe & Make-a-thon | New Hours | Garage Sale 
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Repair Café and Members’ Make-a-thon! 

Who: Welcoming all supporters, members, and general public

Where: Makerspace North 250 City Centre Avenue, Bay 216

When: Saturday, April 8th from 11 AM – 4 PM

What: Don’t throw away - repair it! Share tools and expertise in order to prevent waste and build community! The Repair Café will allow you to learn how to fix your broken objects!
For the Make-a-thon, we will have workbenches and tools available so you can work on your DIY project.


Note: The Repair Café will be a public, pay-what-you-can event and all will be welcome to bring one item in need of small repair to be fixed by, or discussed with, experienced fixer-volunteers. The Make-a-thon will be open to Ottawa Tool Library members only. Make-a-thon workbench spaces must be pre-booked in hour-long increments for $5/hour througheventbrite.


Our Wednesday opening hours are now from 6-9pm!

Glebe Garage Sale

We'd like to take part in the Great Glebe Garage Sale this spring, but need a front lawn with lots of traffic! Is there anyone willing to host us?

Psst...we'll show our appreciation with your very own OTL t-shirt!
Heck yes, I want that t-shirt!
We paid it forward and donated a tool to The Art House Café who is starting a tool sharing service for artists and makers. Beautiful space to hang and be creative. Check it out! 
If you'd like to help us spread the word on our Repair Café and Make-a-thon, we'd appreciate if you could tweet about it or share our FB posts with your friends.
Here's a sample tweet you can copy and paste: 
.@yowtoollibrary will be hosting a Repair Café & Members Make-a-thon to #inspire #create & #share! Check it out
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