OTL update | Facebook Live event | StatsCan Survey
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Dear Friends of OTL,

These have been trying times for all. We’re either finding ourselves with too much time on our hands, none at all, or not enough. And everything we’re reading sounds like we need to buckle down for the long haul to stem the spread of the Corona virus in our communities.
During these times you have probably found yourself thinking, “If I could borrow the tools, then I could get going on that project in the basement, the backyard, the bedroom...” but alas, the OTL is still closed.

We hear you and would love to be able to loan you tools, however, the safety and health of our volunteers, members, and the community at large is of utmost importance to us and thus we remain closed – for now.
Our board and core team are meeting regularly right now to assess and pivot as the situation unfolds. Rest assured that the longevity of the OTL is our goal.

We have a little bit of a financial cushion since we had saved up to be able to hire more staff this spring to increase our opening hours for you, but we will be using those savings to carry us through these challenging times. However, if you feel like supporting us, you can make a donation via our 
We’re working on remaining in touch with you and would love to see you during our Facebook live event on April 11th at 11 a.m. for Ask a Ninja anything Home Reno Related. 

If you have any topic suggestions that we can tackle during other live events,
let us know.
Do you just want to hang out and see other friendly faces? Join us as well! We'd love to have you.

📅Sat. April 11th, 2020 at 11 a.m.

Link to our Facebook live event
We're in this together


We miss our Ottawa Tool Library community deeply during this time! 

Help Statistics Canada to collect the data they need for sound decision making

Statistics Canada is conducting a survey of Canadians to understand the impact of COVID-19 and the public health response to date. We encourage everyone to take 5 minutes to respond!

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