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AM edition, Saturday, November 28, 2020
Good morning, Canberra. Summer has hit a few days early with a top of 34 degrees expected today. Here’s what’s making news in the capital.

'You can't be what you can't see': ACT to grow pathway for women in construction

Emma Sckrabei would like to see a world where a woman going into construction is not extraordinary, rather it's a norm. It's why she hopes a new program for high school students will attract more ACT women to the trades.

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Executive pay rose amid COVID-19 wage freeze

Subscriber only: Department heads received increases in remuneration packages as the rest of the public sector faced a wage freeze.

Long-term ACT hotel residents left in limbo

Subscriber only: Long-term Pacific Suites residents have had to search for new accommodation with the hotel being used for quarantine.

ACT, Chinese officials queried over ceremony

Subscriber only: An ACT official and Chinese ambassador took part in a tree planting on the day news broke of China inflaming political tensions.

Bawley Point recruits fight against bushfire fear

For Samantha Walker, last summer's Currowan fire was all the more terrifying because she did not understand it. 

When will we get our COVID-19 jabs?

Explainer: Here's all you need to know about the three vaccines heading Australia's way.

Threat lingers in the wind for East Lynne store

A gust of wind carries both warnings and fearsome memories for Fuel East Lynne co-owner Angela Curnow.


Yowie Man: Namadgi's mystery stone wall

Subscriber only: A bushranger's fort or a boundary fence? Sometimes the most complex of mysteries turn out to be somewhat simple.

Why Cormann is not the right leader for the OECD

Subscriber only: The ideas he represents are not the ones a chief engine room of economic recovery needs, writes Jack Waterford.

McKellar closure shows need for water reform

Subscriber only: Something must be done about the exorbitant water fees our sports are forking out, writes David Polkinghorne.

War on a board: The endurance of chess

Almost half a century on from its zenith, chess has been thrust back into the mainstream spotlight, writes James Buckley.

Times Past

Trees were to become firewood if the National Capital Development Commission went ahead with its idea of giving Canberra a formal vista between City Hill and Capital Hill. On this day 51 years ago, The Canberra Times reported that 79, (then) 40-year-old trees growing down the middle of Commonwealth Avenue, would go under the axe. 
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