Skills Cloud Architects Need; A Password-free Future; Fintech, Cloud, and the Skills Gap

InformationWeek Cloud
May 09, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Are Blockchain and Decentralized Cloud Making Much Headway?
There continues to be chatter about such elements of Web 3.0 stirring up the cloud scene, but the impact thus far may be limited to niche use cases.

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Five Skills a Cloud Architect Needs to Succeed

If your goal is to build a successful cloud architect career, it is critical that you value and grow in technical competency, business acumen, leadership, sales, and communication.
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Apple, Google, Microsoft Move Closer to a Password-free Future

Tired of remembering multiple words you created six months ago with at least 8 characters, one capital letter, one number, and a special character? The move toward passwordless authentication is getting closer.
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Fintech, Cloud, and Finding Ways to Bridge the Skills Gap

Can reskilling employees and financial planning solutions help companies meet the growing need to be nimble with financial operations?
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Generations in the Workplace: Stereotypes and Facts
Do IT leaders need to treat workers from different generations differently if they want to keep them happy? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Ways IT Can Get Ready for the Metaverse
Sure, IT can master the metaverse. The question is where to start? Well, right here of course … Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Careers: 10 Things IT Leaders Would Tell Their Kids Today
Given that IT is evolving faster than ever, if seasoned IT professionals wanted to guide their offspring in how to prepare for a career in IT now, what would they say? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Hottest IT Certifications Right Now
These technology certifications not only command higher-than-average salaries, but their value also increased substantially in recent months. Read More
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