InformationWeek Data & Analytics
What Auditable AI Means; Data Usage and Product Management; The Afterlife of Data

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InformationWeek Data Analytics
August 05, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Are Enterprises Investing Too Much or Too Little in AI Now?
The interest in AI is undeniable, but are enterprises putting enough into this growing tech space or is money getting ahead of the technology?

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Faceoff: Auditable AI Versus the AI Blackbox Problem

For some, auditable AI is the same as explainable AI. For others, it means something entirely different. Meanwhile, FICO is using it to determine your credit scores. Here’s what all that means.
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How Data Usage Improves Product Management

Organizations are drowning in data. Yet, product managers may not be using it to the best of their ability. Thinking holistically helps.
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The Afterlife of Data: Who Controls Our Digital Legacy?

We’ve always used data from the deceased in some form, but with today’s technology, individuals must consider what they’ve left behind.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hottest AI Jobs
The artificial intelligence boom has led to a hiring explosion for these 10 types of roles. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Ways Employees Are Sabotaging Your Cybersecurity Stance
Following are some ways, whether intentional or not, employees can undermine cybersecurity and some advice on how to handle each scenario. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Ways CISOs Can Stay Ahead of Bad Actors
Security leaders are expected to defend their organizations against existing and emerging threats. Here are some tactics they can use to crack down on the enemy. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Create a Data-Driven Culture for Your Business
Learn how to foster a data-driven culture within your organization. Discover the steps to integrate data into your business processes for success. Read More
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