I was settling into work one day when my best friend, who is single, called me in the throes of an ethical dilemma: Now that Covid-19 restrictions are lifting a bit, she asked me, was there a way to safely have sex with someone over the summer? This friend is a busy single mom and it had already been awhile since the last time she’d been able to have sex when Covid-19 broke out. How realistic was it to potentially wait another year? And yet—how could she consider hooking up with someone when it might put the people in her life, including her two-year-old and her sixty-something parents, at risk? I’ve heard the same question in different iterations from just about all of my single friends lately. (Dating during Covid is not exactly easy.) I told them what I thought seemed like a reasonable approach: We’re all human, sex is a need for most of us, and as long as they have some trust in their desired partner, it isn’t a wild thing to be considering at all. Were I single, I confessed, I probably would have already met up with someone. But then I felt guilty, offering advice when I’m not a medical professional, so I called some people who know better than I do. Here's what the experts are saying. |