Connecting the World of IT
Snapshot: Jive is being bought but collaboration remains a danceathon
SuiteWorld 2017: NetSuite promises "business as usual" post Oracle acquisition
SuiteWorld 2017: Oracle CEO promises to support NetSuite, not stymie


Are humans the final solution in the face of AI onslaught?


Despite strong financials, Facebook has had a mare this week.


The social network was accused this week of trying to monetise adolescents’ insecurities. According to a report by The Australian, FB has shown advertisers it is able to identify when teenagers feel “insecure”, “worthless” and “need a confidence boost”, as well as a host of other negative feelings. FB has called the report “misleading” and doesn’t “offer tools to target people based on their emotional state”. Former Facebook exec and author of Chaos Monkeys Antonio Garcia-Martinez said he hasn’t heard of targeting ads at emotions, but wouldn’t be surprised if they had.


You can read the rest of our exclusive roundup of the week's tech news here.



The Wider Industry

Opinion, analysis and interviews across the technology industry

Nutanix plots a second act in the hybrid cloud


Are humans the final solution in the face of AI onslaught


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Why is Red Hat partnering with the Tate Modern museum?

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CMO Files: Carl Tsukahara, Birst


C-Suite Talk Fav Tech: Chris McCullough, RotaGeek







A look at what's happening in tech around the world

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