What fruit is best for healthy weight, joints, and energy?
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Dr. Jennifer Adeghate
Jennifer Adeghate
Daily Health Notes
Eat More Fermented Foods:
Foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut support gut health with probiotics.
What fruit is best for healthy weight, joints, and energy?

According to Chuck Norris, the food that helped him most was LEMONS.

But most people don’t realize... the healthiest part is in the PEEL.

The peel contains powerful nutrients called polyphenols. These can also support healthy joints, muscles, and even better sleep.

To get them out, just slice up 3 lemons, and boil them in a gallon of water. This is basically healthy lemon water you can drink anytime to support your metabolism and energy.

That being said, lemon water is NOT how Chuck turned his health around.

He added 3 superfoods to his breakfast routine, and he feels better today in his 80s than he has in years.

“I believe this is the key to healthy aging,” says Norris. “I’m living proof.”

Now, Chuck Norris has put the entire method into a 15-minute video that explains the 3 “Internal Enemies” that can wreck our health as we age, and the simple ways to help combat them, using foods and herbs you may even have at home.

I’ve included the Chuck Norris video here >> so you can give it a shot.
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