Plus, Gretchen Whitmer celebrates queer lives

Hey there!

🌈 In an interview with The Advocate, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says she'll "fight like hell" for LGBTQ+ people. "I always love going to Pride events. They are some of the happiest, mos inclusive, and most fun events there are, and I'm really proud that we've come a long way in Michigan," Whitmer said. "There's always more good work to do, but we've made great strides. ... That's why it's always important to show up, to show my support, and to work together to make sure we continue to make Michigan a good place for all people." 🌈

💍 Saju Mathews, a medical analyst for CNN, opened up recently about his escape from an arranged marriage in a Pride Month post. Born and raised in a South Indian family, Mathews shared that he was originally arranged to marry a woman until he broke off the engagement and came out to his fiancée and family as gay.

👕 A school district in Massachusetts was within its rights to ban a student’s “There Are Only Two Genders” T-shirt, as protecting LGBTQ+ students from harassment overrides free speech considerations, a federal appeals court has ruled. 👕

🇺🇸 Martha-Ann Alito is sick of seeing the LGBTQ+ Prideflag, so she's going to replace it with a "shame" flag instead. Alito went on an unprompted rant about flags, saying in a newly released recording, “You know what I want? I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag, because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.” Happy Pride, y'all!

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Onward and upward,

Alex Cooper

Look, queer trivia!

Each week, The Advocate newsletter has a little bit of LGBTQ+ trivia. Today, you'll get the question. Thursday, you'll get a hint. And Saturday, you'll get the answer.

This week’s question is: What are the colors of the Pride flag?

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