Are workplaces lagging in addressing mental health? | Take a consistent approach to hiring, CHRO says | Amazon announces $700M workforce retraining initiative
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Many employees say they suffer work-related stress but hesitate to tell management. This article explores the stories of people who suffered from intense workplace stress and how employers responded.
Jo Deal, chief HR officer for LogMeIn, says managers should create a short list of skill requirements before filling a job, meet with the interview team before talking to candidates and ask the same questions to every applicant. "Having a very employee-centric culture is important to us and we want to ensure that new hires will flourish in that environment and that we will preserve our culture," she says.
About 40% of 16- to 19-year-olds were in the labor force during the summer of 2018, down significantly from the early 2000s, according to an analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Businesses are trying to lure teen workers by offering perks such as ACT and SAT prep courses, and some companies may look to older workers to fill the gaps.
Artificial intelligence monitors employee engagement continuously and recommends learning and development programs for each person, writes Falon Fatemi, CEO of Node. "AI can also be a powerful force in assessing employee motivation and leveraging results to determine optimal team composition."
HR leaders say they rely on analytics and are using technology to make strategic improvements, according to a Paychex survey. Investing in technology topped the list of how HR professionals would spend additional funds if their budget increased.