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Learning the Basics Is As Easy as 1-2-3

More B2B brands are looking to get their ads on the TV screen. Why? Because Connected TV (CTV) offers all the targeting and measurement of other reliable B2B-friendly performance channels.

CTV is essentially a digital ad channel—but since it’s also a form of TV advertising, it may feel like there could be a learning curve. The truth is, there’s not much of one—it’s as easy to launch and manage as any social campaign.

Here’s your chance to get familiar with the basics. Check out our guide to learn how B2B brands can get started on CTV. We cover what you need to know, and how you can tap into this rapidly-growing performance channel to help grow your business, generate leads, and boost your bottom line. Download the guide to discover:

  • The basics on what it takes to launch a Connected TV campaign.
  • A B2B success story that showcases the right way to launch a campaign.
  • The variety and impact of performance metrics driven by Connected TV.
  • The creative requirements and best practices to help you succeed.