Good morning, Marketer, we hope you are doing well.

Marketing and the war in Ukraine are not things that should go together and, to everyone’s credit, so far they haven’t. Brands seldom get credit for not doing something, but on this topic they should take a bow. The many companies providing much-needed aid and support to the people of Ukraine are doing so in a quiet way. It is far, far too easy to think of times when this was not the case.

So, I would like to mention an instance where marketers are using their expertise to aid in the struggle. 

DDBGermany was working on an anti-censorship campaign for the non-profit Reporters Without Borders (RSF) when Russia invaded Ukraine. That’s when RSF asked if anything could be done to fight the misinformation Moscow was using to convince its own people. The very agile agency is putting articles about the war into a blockchain via Ethereum domain links. As if that wasn’t all smart enough, the access code is that day’s winning Russian lottery number. All someone has to do is enter the number into Twitter or other social media and it will instantly take you to the site where the articles are.

Marketers are heckin’ smart.

Finally, a brief introduction: I’m Constantine von Hoffman, the new managing editor here at MarTech. I started out in business journalism covering the 1987 Black Monday stock market crash. Since then I have worked at/written for (where I covered the mortgage meltdown), The Harvard Business Review, CMO, Brandweek,, The Boston Herald and National Public Radio, among others. 

Constantine von Hoffman
Managing Editor

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Quote and image of the day. OK, I get that it’s not much. But every little bit helps, right? We serve several thousand impressions monthly to Russia and Belarus. And with the news blackout, wanted to encourage readers to find out what’s happening in Ukraine. So we created and targeted this. Consider something similar if you have impressions running in Russia. At very least you’ll be able to assure your advertisers that they are not supporting genocide/Putin.” Chris Elwell, CEO, Third Door Media

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