Good morning, Marketer, may your machines always be learning!

Can’t really say that ABM platforms are the shiny new thing when they’ve been around for so long. However, they are definite attention-getters if you don’t have one. It’s easy to see why: better alignment with sales, better marketing ROI, shorter sales cycles, better returns and more. Why wouldn’t you want one?

Well, price is a big reason. They are understandably expensive things. So as much as you might want what it can do, you really have to be certain it’s right for your company. How? Fortunately our own Pamela Parker is here with a guide to figuring that out.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

How to decide if you’re ready for an ABM solution

Everyone in B2B marketing is talking about ABM, but not every business is ready for an ABM tool. Find out if your business is.

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Open the gate and let your content roam free

Only 3% of visitors will fill out a form to get content.

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The Ultimate Guide To Calculating Marketing Campaign ROI

Unifying customer data is the starting point for building powerful attribution models.

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What are diversity, equity and inclusion, and why do marketers need them?

Diversity drives success, but only if it's in both your content and your organization.

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4 ways to build a successful ABM strategy

Auseh Britt of Terminus unpacks tactics to help marketers improve their ABM strategies.

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Why UX is critical to digital marketing

UX design strategist Jarred Spool explains that experience can't be divorced from product and service.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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Unveiling our first MarTech Intelligence Report on email marketing platforms

Download the buyer’s guide today!

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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