Test your knowledge with our Wealthmangement.com 2021 Puzzlers.

In this 2021 Puzzler edition, we test your knowledge on the origin of Fortune 500 companies that may be in your clients’ portfolios, Scrabble brain busters, becoming a U.S citizen and a few others.  Enjoy!

In this puzzler, we give you the names of 15 publicly traded companies. Your challenge is to guess if the company name is an acronym, invented, based on the names of the founder(s), or a portmanteau. If you can correctly identify the roots of 10 companies, name yourself a branding expert. Test your skill.
In each case, we present five Scrabble tiles or groups of tiles. Your job is to discover the common pattern that four tiles exhibit and then identify the tile or assemblage of tiles that doesn’t fit. We designed many of the puzzles to be in the wheelhouse of financial professionals. We will start with simple patterns and then get increasingly complex. Some of the items require specialized knowledge. To make it a bit easier, each puzzle is introduced with a hint. Begin the test.
Becoming a U.S. citizen is an arduous process. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently revised the test to add more questions about American government, civics, history and geography. How well do you remember your high school civics? If you can answer 12 questions correctly, you get to keep your citizenship. Good luck
This puzzler presents 15 popular adages and epigrams named after people. We’ll give you the statement of the law or adage. Your job is to choose the correct name. The background of these laws is fascinating, and the solutions give a brief description of each of the laws and the mostly forgotten people they honor.  Start this puzzler now.