Hi Do,

If you are struggling with an idea to do something good or you are wondering how other NGOs and development practitioners are implementing similar projects elsewhere, then you should take a look at our large collection of project proposals.

We have built up a library of Sample Proposals collected from successful grantees and grant writers around the world. These sample proposals can be very useful for NGOs to quickly read and replicate them. 

We know all projects are unique but developing a proposal is a tedious and time-consuming job. And, if you have a grant deadline looming over it, it becomes stressful. Your searches on Google for "samples" do not render the results you want.

That is why we have a database of successful Sample Proposals where you can anytime and anywhere log in and view them. These proposals have been collected from successful grantees and grant writers around the world and they cover wide range topics relating to your areas of work.

To learn more about Sample Proposals and how to view and download them, click here.

- fundsforNGOs Team
Sample Proposals
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