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Support from HMRC
Dear customer,

Not sure where to start with claiming expenses for the larger items in your business or what records to keep?  

Find out by joining our live webinars, during which you can ask questions using the on-screen text box. 

Capital allowances for the self-employed
This webinar explains the capital allowances you can claim for plant and machinery, including business vehicles, computers and equipment. 
We’ll also look at:
annual investment allowance
first year allowances
writing down allowances
record keeping  
Register here

For more information on claiming for cars, please join our separate webinar, 'Car expenses for the self-employed'. 

Record keeping for the self-employed
Find out about setting up a record system and tips on keeping it up to date. We’ll also cover:  

unfamiliar terms
using records to work out taxable profits
information to record, especially when there is business and private use
Register here

HMRC’s YouTube channel has a selection of helpful short videos including:  
How do I cancel my self-employment registration?
How do I cancel my Self Assessment registration?

Yours faithfully
Craig Moulden
Head of Digital Engagement and Communication Services 
Stay safe online
For more information, please search 'avoid and report internet scams and phishing' on GOV​.UK.

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