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December 1, 2022
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First of a kind partnership between the city of Fayetteville, S.C and the Army Reserves helps companies and reservists find each other.
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Leading automotive supplier Continental leverages location data to automate and optimize intralogistics and production processes. Learn how RTLS can help increase your throughput, production quality, and material replenishment.

The latest estimate "primarily reflected upward revisions to consumer spending and nonresidential fixed investment," the Commerce Department said Wednesday.
IndustryWeek leaders share those stories and look into manufacturing opportunities for the blind and what's up with steel pricing.

The IndustryWeek of Learning is an immersive and engaging four-day webinar series for C-Suite and manufacturing professionals. Attend and learn about a variety of topics, from improving your operational efficiency to building and managing a digital twin.

RJ Scaringe also told an investor conference his team’s second shift in Illinois should be at full capacity by spring.
Do you know what information your employees share with Twitter?
Every state in the union contributes to the wealth of manufacturing across America. We've taken a moment to drop into each of the 50 states and showcase one of those manufacturers.
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