Attention, when used properly, can offer insight into not only media planning and placement but creative execution as well.
December 14, 2023

As attention grows up, agency rebundling is one unintended result

Attention, when used properly, can offer insight into not only media planning and placement but creative execution as well. Notably, the emphasis on attention is uniting the creative and media sides of the agency world in yet another way.

Additional coverage:

  • Agency execs are worried that the invalid traffic rates from Google aren't lining up with what DSPs report.
  • In this week’s Digiday+ Research Briefing, we examine how Amazon’s importance to brands’ holiday marketing plans is growing, how much ad spending is expected to increase in 2024, and how publishers and agencies are cautious about devoting more resources to Threads.
  • As AI becomes more mainstream with consumers, marketers have started to look to the technology as an important part of their toolkits. Digiday+ Research looked at where exactly AI fits into marketers' toolkits.
  • On this final episode of The Return podcast, we circle back to talk to a few guests we spoke with earlier this season to see where they’re at now.
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Ivy Liu
Attention, when used properly, can offer insight into not only media planning and placement but creative execution as well.
Agency execs are worried that the invalid traffic rates from Google aren’t lining up with what DSPs report.
To better keep track of costs and content, subscribers are looking for a way to connect all of their subscriptions.
In this week’s Digiday+ Research Briefing, we examine how Amazon’s importance to brands’ holiday marketing plans is growing, how much ad spending is expected to increase in 2024, and how publishers and agencies are cautious about devoting more resources to Threads, as seen in recent data from Digiday+ Research.
Publishers are working to establish relationships with anonymous site visitors through a mutual value exchange, such as registering for free content, to build long-term growth.
As AI becomes more mainstream with consumers, marketers have started to look to the technology as an important part of their toolkits.
As CTV grows, so do undesirable spaces for CTV ads, from fake content such as screensaver channels to less reputable news outlets. Advertisers want ways to analyze content before placing ads to avoid such placements.
On this episode, we circle back to talk to a few guests that we spoke with earlier this season to see where they’re at now.
On this episode, we circle back to talk to a few guests that we spoke with earlier this season to see where they’re at now.
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