Jambo John!

We’re living through exciting, yet pivotal times as a species.


Nostradamus, The Book of Revelations, and the fabled Mayan calendar all predicted this dawn of an epic identity shift – the Age of Aquarius.


Yet, as old systems begin to fail, extraordinary opportunities for new ones arise, paving the way for the emergence of heaven on earth. We now stand on the precipice of either realizing this potential, individually and collectively, or losing it to repeat the lessons of those who’ve lived before us.


The choice before each of us is to:


  • choose love over fear, power over force.
  • face and release our ancient but limiting views of who we are.
  • live with a greater spirit of cooperation over competition.
  • shed our overreliance on the ego to integrate our multidimensional nature. 
  • awaken our own supernatural powers to live deliberately and create consciously.


Not everyone’s ready. Today we see fear and resistance everywhere. What's less obvious, however, is the love that is also blooming around the world. Never before have we seen such inclusivity, transparency, compassion, and tolerance, exposing old wounds and buried emotions that have long needed to be acknowledged and expressed.


I invite you to seize this opportunity, rise to the occasion, and claim the mantle of your birthrights: unbounded joy, infinite love, with absolute mastery over the physical universe arising from mastery of yourself.


Join me and 6 of the most RENOWNED and CELEBRATED CHANNELS of our time, as we explore:  

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John, your personal transformation is essential for this global spiritual renaissance to transpire. Shine your light and reclaim your power… and join us as a bringer of the dawn.

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It’s time for legend making, 

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