09 May 2024View in Browser

Weekly business and foreign investment news roundup in Asia

by Asia Briefing and Dezan Shira & Associates.





India Revises its FDI Policy for the Space Sector, Relaxes Some Provisions
India has liberalized the entry route and provided more clarity for foreign direct investment in Satellites, Launch Vehicles and associated systems or subsystems, Creation of Spaceports for launching and receiving...
India-Australia CECA Talks: Both Countries Review Progress
India is asking its industrial associations to collect information on market access difficulties in Australia as well as shared sector interests as bilateral trade negotiations continue in the background.
India-Vietnam Investment Opportunities, Market Entry Considerations
We briefly profile the India-Vietnam trade and investment relationship and discuss how enterprises can structure their operations for success in each of these markets.
New Delhi Reviews Trade Agreements with Major Asian Partners
India faces a trade deficit with all its major trading partners in Asia – members of the ASEAN bloc, Japan, and South Korea, and so efforts are underway to review existing free trade agreements.
A Guide to Minimum Wage in India in 2024
Foreign businesses in India can have a challenging time comprehending and calculating the minimum wage as they differ in every state, and are categorized under multiple criteria, such as region, industry, skills level, and...

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Navigating Asia's Industrial Landscape in 2024
Navigating Asia's Industrial Landscape in 2024
The Emerging Asia Manufacturing Index is a model for ranking manufacturing destinations to help international manufacturers address knowledge gaps in the Asia region. The index covers eight countries: Bangladesh...
An Introduction to Doing Business in Indonesia 2024
This publication, designed to introduce the fundamentals of investing in Indonesia, was compiled by the experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate...
Goods and Services Taxes in India 2024
India's Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime has significantly altered the landscape of indirect taxation in the country, aiming to streamline processes and reduce cascading tax. We discuss how the system works for...

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India’s Top 5 Investment Destinations: Strengths and Opportunities for Foreign Businesses
Webinar | Thursday, May 16, 2024 | 9:00 AM Los Angeles / 12:00 PM New York
Establishing Presence in India’s GIFT City: Key Insights and Tips for Businesses
Webinar | 2:30 PM India Time / 4:00 PM Vietnam Time / 5:00 PM China Time
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