Good Afternoon John So, we are six weeks into the COVID-19 situation. How are you and your family faring? I hope everyone is well.
We had our Ask Jackie Anything – Excel last week Thursday. I'm grateful to everyone who participated; teaching brings me joy and it felt great to give back. Based on the feedback, it was also a rewarding experience for participants.
Here are just some of the questions asked. - I’ve heard of VLOOKUP functions. How do they work?
- How do we prevent duplicate entries in one column? In two columns?
Note: This problem is what leads a lot of people to move from Excel to a database like Access, because they don't know Excel offers the same functionality. - How do I create a drop-down list?
- What are some ways entrepreneurs can use Excel in their operations?
- As a bonus, I shared my personal favorite hack for making creating functions easier.
Some of you may be wondering if we’ll have another “Ask Jackie Anything.” The answer is yes. I don’t have a date yet. Once I do, you’ll be the first to know.
For those who need immediate help, I offer 1-on-1 training/consulting for a fee. I will negotiate fees with anyone who is affected by COVID-19.
One last thing: if you work with data, you know Power BI Desktop is one of the hottest tools right now. If you’re interested in getting up to speed, we have a class coming soon and it’s priced $200 - $500 less than many others.
Have a great weekend!
 Jackie Kiadii, CEO Phoenix Computer Consultants, LLC Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), Microsoft Office Specialist Master

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