In a labor market that favors job seekers, it is especially important to use an interview to find out whether a company meets your needs. Asking questions about topics such as career trajectory and corporate culture can help you determine whether a position is a good fit.
Doreen Griffith of Grant Thornton has deliberately focused on connection for herself and employees during the pandemic while encouraging them to take time off and pursue their passions. "[T]ruly effective leadership is not about what you accomplish; it's about what your people achieve," Griffith writes.
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Employment lawyer Marisa Sandler outlines what companies need to do to prepare for New York City's pay transparency legislation, which comes into effect May 15. The law, which is similar to legislation passed by other states, requires employers of four or more staff members, including independent contractors, to detail salary ranges for advertised positions, transfers or promotions.
California Wellness Foundation revisited its diversity, equity and inclusion strategy after a potential job candidate refused to apply due to a credit check requirement in its hiring process and other nonprofits should do the same, write the foundation's Arun Baheti and Caitlin Adams. The authors discuss why a low credit score isn't an accurate indicator of character and how running credit checks on job candidates can prevent nonprofits from recruiting qualified individuals.
Companies need to experiment with flexible hybrid work models and be open about the tension inherent in trying to balance schedules, business needs, communication and location, write Pepperdine Graziadio Business School assistant professors Bobbi Thomason and Jennifer Franczak. Because people who work on-site and log many hours are historically rewarded, any attempts at flexibility will have to counter those tendencies, they write.
Researchers are now looking into people who seem to be immune to COVID-19. Potential reasons for why some people never get COVID-19 despite being exposed to it include previous infections with a similar virus to SARS-CoV-2 and vaccination status.