Asking for What You Want

by Madisyn Taylor

We all have the ability to live our dreams, we must simply ask and respond with the appropriate action that is asked of us.

Most people don't always fully realize that we all have within us the ability to cocreate our lives with the universe. So many of us are taught to accept what we are given and not even to dream of anything more. But our hopes and dreams are the universe whispering to us, planting an idea of what's possible while directing us toward the best use of our gifts. The universe truly wants to give us our hearts' desires, but we need to be clear about what they are and ask for them.

To ask for something does not mean to beg or plead from a place of lack or unworthiness. It's like placing an order--we don't need to beg the salesperson for what we want or prove to them that we deserve to have it. It is their job to give us what we ask for; we only have to tell them what we want. Once we have a clear vision of what we desire, we simply step into the silent realm where all possibilities exist and let our desires be known. Whatever methods we use to become still, it is important that we find the quiet space between our thoughts.

>From that still and quiet place, we can announce our intentions to the pure energy of creation. By imagining all the details from every angle, including scent, color, and how it would feel to have it, we design our dreams to our specifications. Similar to dropping a pebble into a pond, the ripples created by our thoughts travel quickly from this place of stillness, echoing out into the world to align and orchestrate all the necessary details to bring our desires into manifestation. Before leaving this wonderful space to come back to the world, release any attachment to the outcome and express gratitude. By doing this daily, we focus our thoughts and our energy while regularly mingling with the essence that makes it possible to build the life of our dreams.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Make Yourself a Money Magnet

by Ellen Whitehurst

Make Yourself a Money Magnet is dedicated to bringing both the promise and the presence of real and lasting wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. In this course, international inspirational expert Ellen Whitehurst transcends and transforms the meaning of wealth, abundance and, yes, true and lasting prosperity, from an idea or an intention into a real experience. She shares with you the ancient secrets and modern shortcuts, the tips and techniques that she has been privileged to have been privy to over the last 25 years, from empowered intuitives representing almost every tradition and culture and every walk of life. Ellen culls from these time-tested traditions and then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your own personal and powerful true and lasting state of prosperity. She offers ways in which you become a magnet and attractor for abundance, money, prosperity and, of course, wealth. You can attract the financial security and the comfort that you dream about and get solvent and secure all in just 27 days!

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